Milla Milla Falls, North Queensland.

Shooting Milla Milla falls can be terribly frustrating as it is such a popular destination. There is a constant flow of tourist bus pulling up, and forever a crowd. This particular afternoon I arrived late hoping that it would have cleared out only to find 3 buses still in the carpark. I decided to be patient in the hope they would leave soon. After what seemed to be an eternity the crowd dispersed and i had the place to myself, and I was rewarded with what I feel is a lovely photograph of this beautiful place.

Babinda Boulders, North Queensland.

After spending a couple of days shooting up on the table lands I decided to pack up camp early on my last day and head down the range to Babinda for sunrise. The weather was on and off with some heavy showers passing through the area, after spending almost an hour wading around waist deep in the creek I settled on this composition and waited for a break in the rain to capture this photograph of these spectacular Boulders.

Wooroonooran National Park, North Queensland.

This beautiful fig tree sits quietly alongside the trail that leads to Nandroya falls on the southern end of the Atherton table lands in North Queensland. Its sprawling buttress roots snaking out and into the rainforest giving it strength and stability, and making for interesting subject.

Somewhere in Mt. Field National park, Tasmania

As I was walking through the Beautiful Mt. Field National Park this Pretty scene caught my eye. I love the twisting roots of the small tree holding it fast as it bows over the creek, framing the moss cover fallen log which leads the eye up stream, begging the question of “ what is around the bend”.

Triple Falls, Paluma Range National Park, North Queensland

The hike from the small township of Paluma is a fairly short 4 km round trip with a few steep sections along the trail it is fairly easy going with the reward of this pretty little waterfall at the end. The day I shot this image the falls were only just running over which aloud the beautiful fig tree roots on the face of the falls to be exposed.

Horseshoe Falls, Mt Field National park, Tasmania

Horseshoe falls is very much the crowning jewel in the Mt. Field National parks waterfalls. surrounded by spectacular fern trees, and soft green moss coats just about everything.