Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National park, Northern Territory

As dusk approaches and the light fades the colour of the land remains quite strong and vibrant. This shot of Uluru is possibly my favourite, I feel the expansiveness of the land is accentuated but also balanced by the relationship between the small tree on the left and Uluru.

Kata Tjuta, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National park, Northern Territory

This particular morning was the only morning we had any cloud while in the area. The subtle colour I feel is absolutely amazing and it feels soft and painterly.

NOTE : All photos for Uluru and Kata Tjuta have been approved by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National parks media department.

Karlu Karlu, Karlu Karlu conservation reserve, Northern Territory

Karlu Karlu was such an amazing place to explore particularly as a landscape photographer, as the is an abundance of different compositions. I had planned on staying a couple of nights here but unfortunately the weather had other ideas. We had been keeping ahead of a massive storm front that was moving north through the entire Northern Territory and staying the extra days would have meant we would have been rained out. Despite the imminent bad weather I did manage to capture this image which I am extremely happy with.

Glen Helen, Tjoritja National park, Northern Territory

Glen Helen was our base camp for the time we spent in the West Macdonnell ranges, making it very accessible to shoot sunrises and sunsets. And provides a spectacular backdrop to the campsite.

Kings Canyon, Watarrka National park, Northern Territory

This is the second time visiting this beautiful tree, while the steep accent to the top of the canyon provides some epic views for me this tree alone is worth the hike up. Previously having captured this in soft overcast morning light I wanted to see it with warm afternoon side light, which has now left me in two minds as to which I prefer.

Glen Helen, Tjoritja National park, Northern Territory

Standing in the cold water of the ancient Finke river waiting for the wind to die off so the water would calm enough to try and catch the beautiful reflections of the amazing orange rock cliff faces of Glen Helen took some time. But I feel like patience paid off and the ripples stopped just enough to capture this lovely scene.

Glen Helen, Tjoritja National park, Northern Territory

The beautiful pre dawn glow on the cliff faces at Glen Helen gives a warm feeling across the scene despite been nearly 4°c.

Kings Canyon, Watarrka National park, Northern Territory

Just before the last light of day disappears below the horizon the light hitting the rock face casts the most incredible colour which only lasts for a few short minutes and awesome to see.

Kings Canyon, Watarrka National park, Northern Territory

As the sun sets over the land the colours of the rock intensifies more and more, changing as the sun sets lower and lower on the horizon. This vantage point looking out the mouth of the canyon show the expansiveness of the land for as far as the eye can see.

Kings Canyon, Watarrka National park, Northern Territory

This awesome tree has been on my radar to shoot for quite some time, the low sprawling branches reach out in all directions overlapping each other with the base seeming to burst through the rocky ground.

Ormiston Gorge, Tjoritja National park, Northern Territory

Ormiston Gorge is definitely one of the more popular places to visit in the West MacDonnell ranges.

Simpsons Gap, Tjoritja National park, Northern Territory

These River Gums have so much character, but trying to isolate them can be quite tricky.

Mutitjulu Waterhole, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National park, Northern Territory

This Image stood out to me shortly after arriving at the Mutitjulu waterhole, the contrast between the red rock and the trees help giving it pop.

NOTE : All photos for Uluru and Kata Tjuta have been approved by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National parks media department.

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National park, Northern Territory

This was the second morning I got to shoot Uluru from this location. Having taken an image from this angle earlier in the week but not been happy with it my first thought was to come back to the same spot and refine the composition a little more. The element I think i like the most is the light hitting the many heads of Kata Tjuta in the back round.

NOTE : All photos for Uluru and Kata Tjuta have been approved by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National parks media department.

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National park, Northern Territory

This was my first morning in the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. We arrived early, well before the first light and I set up for my first shoot. The reflected pre-dawn light seemed to last for an eternity, slowly increasing and touching the landscape ever so gently just revealing the smallest amount of detail almost like unwrapping a present.

NOTE : All photos for Uluru and Kata Tjuta have been approved by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National parks media department.

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National park, Northern Territory

As the sun slowly retreats below the horizon the colour in the east increases, which create a beautiful backdrop for Uluru. This particular evening was completely clear in all directions which helped intensify these colours.

NOTE : All photos for Uluru and Kata Tjuta have been approved by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National parks media department.

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National park, Northern Territory

This Image of Uluru is my first, and most definitely will not be my last. It really is an amazing landscape, and the colour produced by the last direct light of the day before the shadows start to creep up the face of Uluru is truly incredible.

NOTE : All photos for Uluru and Kata Tjuta have been approved by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National parks media department.

Simpsons Gap, Tjoritja National park, Northern Territory

The amazing colours of sunrise touching the low clouds been reflected in the small pool of water makes for nice leading line drawing your eye into the photo.

NOTE : All photos for Uluru and Kata Tjuta have been approved by the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National parks media department.