Eddystone Point Lighthouse, Tasmania

After an early start departing St. Helens to arrive at Eddystone Point before sunrise on the relatively remote north east corner of Tasmania, we were treated to some beautiful conditions. As the sun rose I captured this image with the warm light just starting to gently kiss the rocks along the coast and of course the lighthouse as well.

Burleigh Head National Park, Gold Coast, Queensland

The beautiful black Basalt boulders that line the shore lit with the warm glow from the first light of day are quite precarious to stand on particularly when wet, with one eye constantly watching the ocean I framed up this shot.

Myall Beach, Cape Tribulation, North Queensland

Cape Tribulation is truly a special place, it is where the rain forest meets the reef. Standing in the dark on the waters edge in eager anticipation for the morning light to come is was constant state of readiness to run as there is known to be a large saltwater Crocodile the lives in the small creek less than 100 metres away. The light appeared in the end casting a lovely warm glow over the bay, and fortunately for me the Crocodile didn’t (well not that I was aware of).

Cape Tribulation landscape photography

Cape Tribulation, North Queensland

Shot 24 hours after the previous image at Cape Tribulation I woke to find the beach almost 100% free of debris as the overnight tide had been quite high a washed it all away, but as the tide withdrew it left some very subtle and interesting patterns on the sand.

Toolakea beach Townsville landscape photography

Toolakea Beach, Townsville, Queensland

A little closer to home, on the northern beaches of Townsville stands this lone Mangrove tree. Now I have shot this tree quite a few times and every time I come away with an unsuccessful image. This particular morning there was quite a few small storms passing through the area, I was lucky enough to get a small break in the rain and cloud just as the sun was rising allowing some light through. I feel as if the symmetry of the tree is somewhat mimicked by the incoming tide as it breaks and parts around the small rocks at the base giving the feeling of balance.

Sleep bay lanscape photography

Sleepy Bay, Tasmania

Tucked away on the Eastern side of the Freycinet peninsular this little gem of a bay is the perfect sunrise location. The red granite rocks scattered on the shore line make for a great foreground interest particularly when the suns rays are hitting them..

Captain Billy landing landscape photography

Captain Billy Landing, Cape York Peninsular, Far North Queensland

On the way back from my first trip to the most northern point on mainland Australia we stopped for one night at Captain Billy Landing, and were treated to this spectacular sunset.

Jazzine Park, Townsville, Queensland

Sometimes you don’t need to travel to far off or exotic locations to find a stunning scene. This image goes to show that sometimes just keeping it simple and close to home can yield a lovely photograph. Shot from the rocks on the headland below Jazzine Park looking out across the bay to Cape Pallaranda and Mt. Marlow.

Cape Pallaranda Townsville landscape photography